Paul Bugge Today

Ultimate Cigar Quality

The head office of Paul Bugge Cigars in Villingen-Schwenningen integrated the distribution division in the building to enable us to process your orders in the highest possible quality. To ensure that we supply tobacco shops and distributors swiftly and reliable with top quality products, stored under ideal warehouse conditions with the most modern air-conditioners and humidifiers in place, we integrated our Despatch – and Logistics divisions on the premises too. Additionally, Paul Bugge Distribution undertook to store and distribute cigars in Europe for cigar manufacturers abroad.

All our imported cigars are snap-frozen at -30°C in our Freezing Zone. This protects them from tobacco beetles, found in their countries of origin. In our own customs warehouse the cigar shipments are processed and tax stamps applied and/or reserved for our export customers. Only after a strict quality control the cigars are moved to the distribution warehouse where they stay until distributed to one of 500 tobacco shops in Germany.

Not only do we import the finest cigars from Latin- and South America, Paul Bugge Distribution is also responsible for their distribution in Germany. In fact, we also work close with partner manufacturers in Nicaragua; one of the most important countries in cigar production.

There own blends originate, produced exclusively for Paul Bugge and made entirely by hand. Leonel® Cigars is the best-known brand we created in Nicaragua where they’re also produced: Outstanding premium long fillers rich in aroma.