Casa Culinaria Connecticut
Hecho totalmente a mano – a predicate indicating the high quality of Premium Cigars. Casa Culinaria earned this predicate by selling its produce at an incredibly fair price for cigars that are entirely hand made in Nicaragua. The price however, is influenced by the fact that the cigars are sold in handy bundles, wrapped in cellophane. Casa Culinaria abandoned extravagant packaging and earned their Best Value status by focussing on top quality tobaccos.
All three series of the Casa Culinaria brand are hand made in Nicaragua. They range from medium- to full-bodied cigars so that Casa Culinaria has a cigar for every taste. Nearly all the tobaccos they use are cultivated in Nicaragua. The difference in strength and taste is influenced by the cultivation areas where the tobaccos are grown, for instance Esteli oder Jalapa, different tobacco varieties and fermenting processes chosen for the different blends.
Smooth, creamy aromas with nutty notes are characteristic for this brand.
wrapper- USA
binder- NIC
filler- NIC
origin- NIC
strength- Mild
aromas- creame, nut, toast
Casa Culinaria Connecticut
1er | 89mm | 21mm | 50 |
10er | 89mm | 21mm | 50 |
Casa Culinaria Connecticut
1er | 121mm | 24mm | 60 |
10er | 121mm | 24mm | 60 |
Casa Culinaria Connecticut
1er | 127mm | 20mm | 50 |
10er | 127mm | 20mm | 50 |
Casa Culinaria Connecticut
1er | 152mm | 21mm | 54 |
10er | 152mm | 21mm | 54 |
Casa Culinaria Connecticut
1er | 178mm | 20mm | 50 |
10er | 178mm | 20mm | 50 |